‘Angel Beats’ is an original anime series created by Jun Maeda and directed by Seiji Kishi. You can also stream the English Dub of the same on Netflix. The English Dub of ‘Angel Beats!’ Season 1 is available on Hulu, which now almost has all the anime series that are licensed by Sentai Filmworks. Our best guess is that in the unlikely scenario of the anime getting renewed, Angel Beats season 2 release date could be sometime in 2021. We will update this section as soon as we hear more. Apart from an OVA, there is nothing more to it as of now. It has almost been a decade now since the first season came out but there have been no confirmations regarding a new season till date. As far as Season 2 is concerned, there were certain rumors that said it will be coming out in 2018 but clearly that never happened.

During this span, 13 episodes were released, with each one of them being 24 minutes long. Well, for those of you who are still hoping for a new season, we might have some good news for you up ahead.Īngel Beats Season 2 Release Date: When will it premiere?Īngel Beats season 1 premiered on Apand ended its run on June 26, 2010. I’m sure those who have seen ‘Angel Beats’ share the same opinion as me and they believe that the anime deserves a second chance to show its true potential. But as of now, it’s enough to know that ‘Angel Beats’ is totally worth watching and its underlying dark themes can get extremely captivating. There’s a lot more that I would like to say about this side of the show but then I would be giving out too many spoilers so perhaps an explainer would serve the purpose later. ‘Angel Beats’ is a grave reminder of those years and it portrays a darker side of it wherein the teenagers in the show find themselves in a situation where they completely let themselves go but are still kind of trapped in a way. Teenage years are the most vulnerable years of our lives where we find ourselves swimming in pools of insecurities, fishing for acceptance. ‘ Angel Beats‘ has some serious potential, but it just fails to stand out because of all the rushing. This is the reason why it lacks the “oomph!” factor to it. The cast is great but the pacing affects their performances and all of them appear to be disconnected from what they are trying to portray in the show.

I guess the 13 episode format just turned out to be a bad idea because, as creative as most of the ideas presented to us may seem, most of them just feel out-of-place and rushed. But contrary to that, the anime just jumps from one plot twist to another with no time for you to breathe.

Now the chaos may not necessarily be a negative for the anime because at times, it’s the chaos that help you understand the characters on a deeper level. But with 13 episodes and so much revealing going on throughout the show, all of it becomes very chaotic.